Sunday, March 21, 2010


Another new piece entitled Lucha Chicks.


New Piece called Gérber.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Performance Art Preserved, in the Flesh MOMA SHOW

There is a new exhibit in the MOMA that i will be attending at some point in the next few days. The exhibit is a performance art exhibit by Marina Abramovic, it is a replication of previous performance art pieces she and her husband have done. She is determined to prove that performance art can be replicated in a museum setting for the masses and believes that her exhibit does just that this will be an interesting exhibit to say the least, see you there.


Another show i attended this following week was at the Creative Thrift Shop on 38 Marcy Ave. in williamsburg Brooklyn. The gallery is an interesting little space that apparent ly has been there for 13 years. I spoke to the director and she explained that the gallery has been in the same place for 13 years and that it is run by 2 women who also have a gallery in Berlin germany where the trade of shows back and forth through boht locations, which is quite interesting. The main show on display was an installation peice by Ron Rocco the show was named SHAKE UP1. All of the pictures displayed here are from that specific work of art .

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Invisible Dog

This past weekend i attended a showing of several works of at the Gallery know as the invisible dog in Brooklyn New York. The gallery, located on Bergen St., opened only six months ago and is relatively new i was particularly interested in viewing a specific peice at on display known at The Ant by Xavier Roux. Which is a large quite fantastic sculpture of an ant with atop hat based on a french poem of the same title. The poem is as follows

An 18-meter long ant With a hat on its head That doesn’t exist,

that doesn’t exist.

An ant pulling a cart Full of penguins and ducks That doesn’t exist,

that doesn’t exist.

An ant speaking French, Speaking Latin and Javanese, That doesn’t exist,

that doesn’t exist.

Hey! Why not?

While there i spoke to the gallery dirctor named Simon who was willing to answer a few questions about the work on display and the space itself. The space is not as large as some galleries but has a nice collection of work inside i found the place quite interesting like a workshop of sorts.


The Ant Signage



New Business Cards!!!

Here is a sample of my new business card that all my fellow artists and gallery curators will be receiving .

Vice Magazine Cover

Heres a special edition photo issue cover of Vice Magazine i was featured on some time ago. The photo was shot by myself. Thought you all would enjoy.

Monday, March 8, 2010


New piece entitled Capitolismo.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

La Chica Plastica

New Piece based on the famous Rubén Blades song La Chica Plastica.

New Work

This piece is a look into digital work an inspiration for myself and the work i create. Inspired by the relationship between North America and Latin America. Also an exploration of religious views in both regions. It is called El Hombre Con La Corbata de Moño.

El Hombre Con La Corbata de Moño

Saturday, March 6, 2010


This past weekend i attended the world famous NYC Armory Show. Located on Piers 91 and 92 on the west side of manhattan. I spent several hours at the show and saw various peices. Below are several pictures of the work on display at the armory and pictures of myself enjoying the show.

Tiny crosses

Banana Man

It happens

The olive to my martini


Bronze Hermaphrodite

Cosas Pornograficas
A Patron of The Show

Christmas Tree?
I feel yellow


Welcome to the blog of famed Artist and Photographer Miguel Fernando Garcia. I am 23 yrs. of age, originally from Caracas Venezuela i moved to new york to study art and photography and to explore new avenues of expression and interest. I am very interested in American society and art. This blog is for he exploration of my work and the travels i endure through my exploration of myself and the New York fine art scene.